October 4th– Sergio and Giuseppina – Archdiocese of Philadelphia, PA “It made our communication more open”
Him: We really enjoyed this course because I feel like it made us really communicate on things we really love about each other and need to work on each other. We really enjoyed our instructors; they were fantastic and super nice.
Her: Our instructorswere amazing. They graded our assignments really fast and we loved going over our answer key from them because they really explained and answered the questions in depth. We really enjoyed working with them.
Both: Life gets super busy sometimes and we tend to forget the important things. After this course we will work harder on getting to church more often and learning to pray together.
October 5th– Jeffrey and Kelly– Diocese of Madison, WI “I learned a lot about the meaning of marriage in the eyes of the Church.”
Him: The online option made it very convenient and the material was very informative.
Her: I liked that the classes were online. It gave us time in person and in a safe place to discuss the topics. I also liked the friendly feedback from our instructors. Their explanations help us to make the connections between the teachings and real life. They were always encouraging and supportive no matter what our answers were.
Her: When I started this course, I was not sure how I felt about God and His Church. I was doing this because it "felt" right. However, during this class, I started to attend church regularly. It has helped me understand why I wanted to do the classes in the first place. It has definitely turned me back toward the correct direction; however, I still have a lot of work to do.
October 6th– Thomas and Maddison – Archdiocese of Atlanta GA “It brought me closer and helped my relationship with Jesus”
Him: This was amazing! We had some awesome conversations that we didn’t expect to have. The feedback from our instructors was both practical and grounded in Church teaching! Awesome job!!!
Her: We loved it and felt like it brought us closer together and also created some tough but very much needed conversations.
Both: It was helpful to learn all the different values of the church and how they related to our day to day lives.
October 7th – Adryal and Denize – Diocese of Fresno, CA “We were able to express our feelings and our thoughts.”
Him: I really like that we were able to do it at our own pace, I believe this was the best thing for me since I am pretty busy. I feel like I learned more than I would in an in-person class, just because I was able to take my time and read everything thoroughly.
Her: I really enjoyed this class, I appreciate that we were able to do it at our own pace. I learned quite a few new things that I didn't know. I also appreciate the feedback on every single question and assignments.
Him: Doing this course helped me revive what I had once felt about my faith, I have slowly let go and I felt like this course helped me focus more on my faith.
October 8th – Justin and Victoria– Archdiocese of Philadelphia, PA “I appreciated everything this class had to offer”
Him: I really enjoyed doing this with Victoria, it opened up a lot of conversations between the two of us and I feel as though it even brought us closer. It made us face some things that we may have disagreed on and really helped us work through those disagreement
Her: I feel as though it addressed all topics that are vital conversations that should occur before entering into a marriage. It was nice to work on this together and I feel that it started many conversations that continued even days later. I feel as though it really brought us together in a number of ways. It was also nice that we discussed concrete plans about how to handle challenges that we will one day face in our marriage. I feel a lot more prepared to enter into this marriage.
Both: Working on this together was fun, we had really enjoyed ourselves. We have been together for a very long time and we do know a lot about each other but I feel as though we were able to learn even more about each other as individuals and as a couple.