October 11th– Daniel and Iliana – Diocese of Sacramento, CA “It showed me how important it is to have God in our daily lives and the peace he will bring to us.”
Him: I've learned a lot of things that can potentially come in the marriage and also what to expect. It was nice to go at our own past on this journey and get to know each other on different levels.
Her: I like the questions that made me think outside of the box, the meaning of how important it is to have God in our daily life including daily prayers. So many things that it is kind of eye opening. I also liked how flexible this course was and how I was able to work at my own past.
Both: After taking this course, we plan on volunteering more at our church, and attending mass more often than what we do now.
October 12th– Brian and Sara– Archdiocese of Santa Fe “I would like to attend mass more frequently and make it a priority in my life.”
Him: The assignments were a nice time for us to discuss and talk. The course being online also allowed us to do the course on our own time.
Her: The course was great and offered great explanations and we really enjoyed being paired up with a couple and hearing about their own marriage.
Both: We improved our communication because we were able to really sit down without any distractions such as our phones of the TV. It was fun to be able to make a date night out the assignments.
October 13th– Louis and An – Archdiocese of Baltimore “I learned a great deal, more than I expected”
Him: It was great! Our instructors were very helpful and got me to think more critically about certain aspects of marriage.
Her: It was very insightful, I feel like I learned a lot with not only what to expect in marriage and how to be the best wife I can be, but more importantly how to be closer to God not only by myself but within the marriage.
Both: Learning about the hardships that may come along within the marriage and learning how to get through them will help us immensely. I also feel like it brought me closer to God.
October 14th – Luis and Lynnsey – Diocese of Galveston-Houston “I appreciate the detailed answer keys from our instructors the most.”
Him: I believe the class is very well structured. The assignments build upon each other, and causing the couples to critically think about all the different scenarios and questions. The course is also extremely informative and I appreciated that the most.
Her: I have learned a lot about the importance of marriage and how to make it work. I learned that we must involve God in our marriage and our lives.
Both: Before this course, we did not have a lot of conversations about our religion/beliefs. This course has helped us open up and has helped us feel more comfortable/confident in confiding in each other about this topic.
October 15th – Matthew and Taylor – Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA “the course was so much more helpful than I had ever expected.”
Him: I really liked this course. It helped me learn so much I didn't know. I grew up a Catholic, went to Catholic school my whole life, but this course really took me on a deeper dive into God and The Church and how involved they are not only in marriage but in life.
Her: I loved this course and will recommend it to anyone wanting to pursue a marriage through the catholic church. I am actually surprised at how much we learned and got out of it.
Both: We have thoroughly enjoyed our class and are so glad that we chose to do it alone as I feel we would not have gotten as much out of the in-person class. We were able to privately discuss these topics on our own time when focused and willing to open up. Our instructors were amazing! Everything was done in a timely manner and their answer keys were helpful and thorough.