January 24th – Adrian and Gloria – Diocese of Stockton, CA “My faith has gotten stronger and I want to show others the importance of having a committed relationship.”
Him: I really loved that we were able to get a lot of feedback from our instructors. It was a very personable experience being able to share stories with one another. This showed us how our lives will be changing for the better once we are married.
Her: I loved this course! I think it is great that I was able to learn so much about the Catholic Church and how important it will be in our married lives. This course was able to show us more in-depth ideologies placed by the Catholic Church. I also really enjoyed the interactive responses from our instructors.
Both: We were both able to bond over this experience and think deeper about our commitment to one another.
January 25th – Nghia and Josephine – Diocese of Orange, CA “It revived my faith!”
Him: I'm glad the class is online; it is very convenient. Additionally, the feedback from the instructors helps us understand what we do and do not understand to help us improve.
Her: The class is insightful and helped us discuss topics we would have otherwise not thought of.
Both: We appreciated the comments from our instructors. They were very personalized and they gave great feedback.
January 26th – Austin and Kaitee – Diocese of Lafayette, LA “Made me realize how important faith is.”
Him: I enjoyed this class. Not only do I feel a deeper connection with God and his reasons, but I feel as if Kaitee and I have grown together too. This is such a great course to take and we have learned a lot from our instructors.
Her: My overall impression of this class is positive because our instructors were very open, insightful, and detailed in their explanations. Austin and I felt comfortable sharing personal information with them as they knew how to respond (also with resources) to help us reach our goal prayerfully.
Both: We enjoyed this class and feel as if we have truly allowed God into our relationship
January 27th – Benjamin and Chailey –Diocese of Las Cruces NM “I feel much more prepared to stand up at the alter with my bride in hand.”
Him: Doing the class remote allows for comfortable communication and easier scheduling while also thoroughly guiding couples in the right path towards happiness and holiness.
Her: I think the class was very thorough. It touched on many important topics that come with marriage and explained the importance of allowing God to be a part of a couple’s life and marriage.
Both: It brought us together and made us work together as a team.
January 28th – Carlos and Paula – Diocese of Dallas TX “Amazing resources!”
Him: As we mentioned to our instructors many times, we loved the journey. The structure made us really work to learn, allowed us to move forward in our own pace. The amount of information and resources shared during the course have been way above my expectations.
Her: Amazing. We had the opportunity to discuss and reflect together about many important topics.
Both: This marriage preparation overachieved our expectations. Comprehensive content and excellent resources.