May 4th Justin and Deepika – Camden, NJ
“The course allowed us to connect on a level I didn’t expect.”
Him: I can’t imagine the one day retreat being as impactful as this course. Getting real feedback really helped me see valuable insights and relatable insights.
Her: I really enjoyed conversations about understanding the sacrament of marriage, meaning of man and women under a catholic pre-text, idea of conscience and forgiveness. If this course was done in one day, I feel I wouldn’t have benefited the same way.
Both: This helped us set some time together to communicate and share about personal aspects of the Catholic church and marriage that we might not have talked about.
May 5th Austen and McKenzie – Knoxville, TN
“We now want to include Christ in our lives.”
Him: I think this was an eye opening experience for me. I was afraid it was going to be very sterile, but it was not like that at all.
Her: I am very impressed with this! I loved the intimacy of doing it with just the 2 of us! I was nervous to go do this with other people. But doing it this way was so nice!
Both: We had a lot of conversations about our future, life with children, what is this going to look like with Christ, etc.
May 6th Keaton and Vanessa – San Bernardino, CA
“We are so glad that this was part of our marriage prep.”
Him: I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the marriage sacrament and the doors that the class opened for Vanessa and I in terms of communicating about certain topics
Her: I appreciate how much it opened our eyes to the beauty of the sacrament of marriage. I also liked all the advice on how to be great partners, listeners, companions, and Christ followers.
Both: It improved our conversation because it made us talk about difficult topics, as well as topics that we had not discussed before. We feel excited and inspired to continue our marriage with a strong religious foundation.
May 7th Henry and Erin – Orlando, FL
“We learned a lot!”
Him: I really liked learning about the benefits of natural family planning and active listening because I think these are practices that will definitely strengthen my relationship with Erin.
Her: I have been inspired to become more involved with my parish community and make more time for God in my daily life through prayer alone and praying with Henry.
Both: This class helped us strengthen our relationship with God and we also learned a lot of useful information that will help us maintain a healthy and happy marriage.
May 8th Greg and Lana – Philadelphia, PA
“The course helped us understand marriage.”
Him: The content was a nice mixture of scripture interpretation, real life application, and thought provoking questions.
Her: The course shed light on how a marriage should be grounded in the teachings of Christ
Both: The content forced us to discuss difficult topics, encourage open dialogue and healthy conflict, and provided resources for further explanation.