August 22nd Nicholas and Alex-Hessmer, LA “ It provided us with lots of supplemental material and websites to further our discussions.”
Him: I felt like it was a good thorough course. It helped me open up about my faith and get closer to God. It shined light on material and concepts I never really understood or thought about.
Her: This prep was awesome. Our instructors were fantastic. This course is real and raw. It doesn't beat around the bush and it provided us with lots of supplemental material and websites to further our discussion or to go to for more guidance.
Both: It allowed us to be open and honest about tough conversations. It provided a safe and comfortable environment and it helped us talk about topics that we did not know how to initiate with one another.
August 23rd Brad and Maria-Arlington, VA “I strongly believe this is a meaningful course that improved our relationship.”
Him: It was a very cool experience. We talked a lot about topics that we normally do not and we learned a lot more about ourselves, our relationship with God, and the Church.
Her: I strongly believe this is a meaningful course that improved our relationship as a couple and our faith.
Both: We learned more what it means to be married in the Church and we want to live our lives that way and raise a family in the word of God.
August 24th Huynh and Thi-Eunice, LA “The prep was informative and required some deep thought”
Him: The prep was informative and required some deep thought. I appreciated the convenience of being able to do this prep from home!
Her: This prep made us think about different situations and also learn more about the Catholic faith. It helped us better understand our faith and showed us the importance of praying together.
Both: The prep made us talk to each other more intimately about our feelings about faith, religion, and family planning.
August 25th Kenneth and Helen-Marie-Marbella, Spain “We talk more about our relationship and feel closer to each other.”
Him: Really good course! It makes you remember why God and the Church are so important in life!
Her: A very valuable course! We are so grateful we took this course before the sacrament of marriage. I really appreciated our instructors advice, guidance, and being there for us!
Both: It gave us time to think and reflect on our relationship and love. We talk more about our relationship and feel closer to each other.
August 26th Don and Amie-Tustin, CA “We found out how patience and forgiveness can go a long way in a relationship”
Him: I started to miss church. These courses actually made me want to retain my faith and continue attending Mass on a regular basis.
Her: It taught me how God wants us to view marriage and his expectations for us. To me that is very powerful and it revived my faith in the Lord.
Both: We found out how patience and forgiveness can go a long way in a relationship. This can help us diminish arguments. We have enjoyed this course very much. We will recommend it to everybody.
Building Christ-centered marriages,
one couple at a time ™