November 19th Christopher and Jordyn – Manchester, NH
“(Through this course) we are more confident than ever about our future marriage.”
Him: I most appreciated the deeper and more meaningful conversations I was able to have with Jordyn about our marriage and faith.
Her:I really liked how (our instructors) gave us their personal experiences with the questions we answered. It made it feel a lot more personal and less like a lecture.
Both: It forced us to address any issues we may have had in our communication and gave us ways to make solutions.
November 20th Kirven and Dana – Atlanta, GA
“Since we are living apart long distance, this course was really great for us to connect on an in-depth level.”
Him: Great advice in the answer keys. (The course) was also more personal than I had anticipated for it being an online course.
Her: Great preparation that raised important questions for Kirven and I to think about and talk together.
Both: It improved our communication about very deep, personal topics and started conversations that are difficult to start on our own sometimes.
November 21st Tomasz and Cintya – Lansing, MI
“(The course) was informative and defiantly helped to learn things deeply.”
Him: I appreciated the answer keys that guided me through the course, I got to learn more from them than I had expected.
Her: (The course) got me well prepared for my marriage and made me think of things that are involved in marriage and with my spouse.
Both: It showed that marriage is something beautiful and deeper than what we thought at the beginning of this course and in order to last and be happy we need to reconnect and follow God.
November 23rd Andrew and Megan – Toledo, OH
“The course revived my desire to be closer to God.”
Him:I appreciated the thought of making a home a sort of mini-church and making home life reflects Catholic values.
Her: It’s been a great overview of what marriage is supposed to be about and how it reflects God’s love for us.
Both: It made us more thoughtful about possible problems or conflicts that could occur later in life.